Interview with Cynthia Pelayo

The Horror Club chats with Bram Stoker Award nominated poet and author, Cynthia Pelayo, about horror, the Latin influence in her work, writing poetry, journalism and its connection to her work and much more. Hi Cynthia, thanks for having a chat! Can you tell me a bit about yourself? My name is Cynthia “Cina” Pelayo.... Continue Reading →

Interview with Sarah Tantlinger

The Horror Club chats with Bram Stoker Award winning poet and author, Sara Tantlinger, about horror, why we like to be scared, writing poetry, her work, including her recently Stoker nominated collection, Cradleland of Parasites, what it's like to co-author a book and edit an anthology and much more. BIO: Sara Tantlinger is the author... Continue Reading →

Interview with Jill Girardi

The Horror Club talks to Jill Girardi, Editor-in-Chief of Kandisha Press, about the press itself, its titles, including the recently released volume 3 of its ‘Women of Horror’ series, her work and the horror community, among other things.

5 Kindle Books Available for FREE

IT'S so easy to get lost in the Kindle store, with there being so many books to choose from. While that is a good thing, it doesn't necessarily mean you find the right book for you. So, The Horror Club searched through the store, and found five Kindle books available for free. Nothing better than... Continue Reading →

REVIEW: Andrew Cull’s Remains

The last time The Horror Club had the experience of reading Andrew Cull’s work was his short story, Hope and Walker, and it was a pleasant surprise that we gave five stars. Next up is his debut novel, Remains, which tells the story of Lucy, a mother trying to recover from the trauma of losing... Continue Reading →

REVIEW: Weeping Season

Eight strangers wake up in a forest, some more battered and cold than others. They soon realise that they are part of a sick game for a live audience, and despite what looks like a winner-takes-all scenario, some must fight together if any of them are to make it out alive. These types of stories... Continue Reading →

REVIEW: Siphon

A.A. Medina offered us an insight into his style with his short story collection ITCH, and his work with Dustin Schyler Yoak on the wonderful magazine, Aphotic Realm. With SIPHON comes Medina's first venture into a full blown work, such as a novella/novel. It tells the story of Dr. Gary Phillips, the resident hematopathologist at Claybrook Medical... Continue Reading →

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